
Introduction to libquicktime

The libquicktime package contains the libquicktime library, various plugins and codecs, along with graphical and command line utilities used for encoding and decoding QuickTime files. This is useful for reading and writing files in the QuickTime format. The goal of the project is to enhance, while providing compatibility with the Quicktime 4 Linux library.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.7 platform.

Package Information

Additional Downloads

libquicktime Dependencies


alsa-lib-1.0.28, Doxygen-, FAAC-1.28, FAAD2-2.7, FFmpeg-2.5.4, GTK+-2.24.26, LAME-3.99.5, libdv-1.0.0, libjpeg-turbo-1.4.0, libpng-1.6.16, libvorbis-1.3.4, Schroedinger, x264-20141208-2245, and Xorg Libraries

User Notes:

Installation of libquicktime

Install libquicktime by running the following commands:

patch -Np1 -i ../libquicktime-1.2.4-ffmpeg2-1.patch &&

./configure --prefix=/usr     \
            --enable-gpl      \
            --without-doxygen \

This package does not come with a test suite.

Now, as the root user:

make install &&
install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/libquicktime-1.2.4 &&
install -v -m644    README doc/{*.txt,*.html,mainpage.incl} \

Command Explanations

--enable-gpl: Changes the licence to GPL. This enables some extra plugins, such as FAAC, FAAD2, and x264.

--without-doxygen: This is necessary if you do not have Doxygen, omit this if installed.

--with-libdv: Build with libdv support. Not enabled by default.


Installed Programs: libquicktime_config, lqtplay, lqtremux, lqt_transcode, qt2text, qtdechunk, qtdump, qtinfo, qtrechunk, qtstreamize, and qtyuv4toyuv
Installed Libraries: and several plugin codec libraries
Installed Directories: /usr/include/lqt, /usr/lib/libquicktime, and /usr/share/doc/libquicktime-1.2.4

Short Descriptions


is a graphical front end to examine and configure the available libquicktime audio and video codecs.


is a simple QuickTime movie player for X Window System.


is a command-line program used to encode video and/or audio files from one format to another.


can take movies containing rgb frames and write them out as ppm images.


concatenates input frames into a QuickTime movie.


is used to write a YUV4 encoded movie as a planar YUV 4:2:0 file.

is a library for reading and writing QuickTime files. It provides convenient access to QuickTime files with a variety of supported codecs. The library contains new functions integrated with all the original QuickTime 4 Linux library functions used to encode and decode QuickTime files.

Last updated on 2015-02-27 19:21:33 -0500