The Libtool package contains the GNU generic library support script. It wraps the complexity of using shared libraries in a consistent, portable interface.
Prepare Libtool for 32-bit compilation:
./configure --prefix=/usr \ --libdir=/usr/lib32 \ CC="gcc -m32" CXX="g++ -m32"
Compile the package:
To test the results (about 11.0 SBU), issue:
make check
Five tests are known to fail in the LFS build envronment due to a circular dependency, but all tests pass if rechecked after automake is installed.
Install the package:
make install
Clean up the build directory before moving on to the next platform:
make clean
Prepare Libtool for x32 ABI compilation:
./configure --prefix=/usr \ --libdir=/usr/libx32 \ CC="gcc -mx32" CXX="g++ -mx32"
Compile the package:
To test the results (about 11.0 SBU), issue:
make check
Five tests are known to fail in the LFS build envronment due to a circular dependency, but all tests pass if rechecked after automake is installed.
Install the package:
make install
Clean up the build directory before moving on to the next platform:
make clean
Prepare Libtool for 64-bit compilation:
./configure --prefix=/usr
Compile the package:
To test the results (about 11.0 SBU), issue:
make check
Five tests are known to fail in the LFS build envronment due to a circular dependency, but all tests pass if rechecked after automake is installed.
Install the package:
make install