Useful software
All software on this page has been tested by myself and the links are known to be usable and free of malware. However, please be sure to scan all downloaded files with a reputable, up to date antivirus program before installing.
Web browsers
Mozilla Firefox - MPL/GPL/LGPL - Windows/Mac/Linux/Mobile - Open source browser with many available extensions. Safe from most malware attacks.
Google Chrome - BSD License (sourcecode) - Windows/Mac/Linux/Android/ChromeOS - Web browser by Google, based on an Apple WebKit fork called Blink. Fast loading.
Opera - Freeware - Windows/Mac/Linux/Mobile - Fast web browser, also used on mobile devices and game systems such as the Nintendo DSi and Wii systems.
Internet Explorer - Freeware - Windows (only) - Even if you don't like it, it must be kept up-to-date because some programs use it to display HTML content. Mostly replaced by Microsoft Edge on Windows 10.
Software development
Compilers and Libraries
GCC - GPLv3 - Most platforms - Optimizing compiler for C, C++, Objective-C, Ada, Java, and more. Linux distributions have versions available for targeting that distribution.
Visual Studio 2010 Express Editions - Freeware - Windows - Free versions of Microsoft's development tools. Has most of the features of the paid editions, but with various limitations. Free registration is required after 30 days of use. Visual C++ Express only supports 32-bit compilation out of the box. This is an archived direct download of the All-in-one ISO from the Wayback Machine, this is the compiler used officially to build DXGL. This download is 693MB in size.
Windows SDK - Freeware - Windows - The official toolchain, documentation, headers, and libraries for building Windows programs. Can be used with Visual C++ Express to enable support for building 64-bit programs.
Discontinued and no longer availablegDEBugger - Freeware - Windows/Mac/Linux - Debug and profile OpenGL and OpenCL calls. Registration no longer required as of December 2012.
Replaced with GPUOpen CodeXLAMD gDEBugger - Freeware - Windows/Mac Enhanced version of gDEBugger with optional Visual Studio integration. Requires an AMD GPU for OpenCL kernel debugging.
GPUOpen CodeXL - MIT License - Successor to gDebugger, designed for debugging AMD based graphics cards and processors, with optional Visual Studio integration. Requires and AMD GPU for OpenCL kernel debugging.
glslDevil - Freeware - Windows/Linux - OpenGL debugger with similar capabilities to gDEBugger.